Who We Are As Christians

Who We Are As Christians

We are simply Christians. We love God, one another, and you! Jesus Christ said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34).

We are not perfect people! We are saved sinners. Because we are saved by God’s love and grace, we share the common goal to love and glorify God and Jesus Christ in our worship and daily walk as Christians. At the Upstate church of Christ, we rejoice in being a part of God’s family and we want you to assist you in becoming part of God’s family too!

We center our hearts and lives on Jesus Christ. Being Christ-centered means that everything we have to offer others flows out of the grace He has poured into us. We want you to know that we are a people who have been saved and changed by the power and grace of Jesus (Ephesians 2:4-10). This is what defines us as individuals and as a church family.

Our church is a family of believers who come from diverse backgrounds. We have a wide range of age groups, education levels, economic situations and ethnicities. We share our common unity with one another around our shared faith and love in Jesus Christ.

The love of God and gift of His Son changes the way we connect with one another! At the Upstate church we share bonds of affection and love that increase our joy in the good times and help us endure the difficult times. We believe that devoting ourselves to Christ includes devoting ourselves to one another (1 John 4:21).

Our desire is to exalt the crucified and risen Jesus Christ so the world can see Him and be drawn to Him, and that you will be brought closer and saved by Him who is the light of the world!

God loves you and we love you!


Christians at the Upstate church