

Church of Christ

The church of Christ is not an exclusive or proud church. You will find it very simple. Its aim is not to amuse or entertain those who attend its services. It exists in our community as a simple body of Christians, pointing all who look its way to Jesus Christ as God’s Son, the Hope of the World. Its doors are open to those who from the quiet depths of their hearts reach out to God in simple worship and obedient living.

You may be surprised to find that there is not much ready-made for you in this church. There is no ready-made creed. You take the Word of God as you read it and come to a true understanding of it. There are no ready-made prayers. Every believer voices his own earnest longing for the presence of God and for his sustenance and guidance. There is no ready-made order of worship. Each church of our Lord arranges its own order in harmony with the items described in the New Testament. There is no ready-made music. Everyone makes his own music by the fruit of his lips as the early Christians did, and it is sweet in the ears of God in proportion to the worshippers’ sincerity and humble obedience to God.

You may be surprised to find that this church is a free church under Christ as its only head. It has no organic connection with any other congregation, but is bound by a unity of faith with all those who follow God’s word without addition or subtraction.

In this church every Christian is a priest. There is no distinction between “clergy” and “laity.” We believe that all Christians are “called to be saints.” Their gifts and functions may differ, but their status before the Lord is the same. Jesus is our High Priest, and all members are priests with no need of further human mediators.

This church is the outward manifestation of the deep conviction in many hearts that simple apostolic Christianity can be produced today by the same living Word which produced it in the first century. We do not claim perfection as human beings. We are all sinners who were saved by the grace of God upon our trusting obedience to the gospel. We seek to serve Jesus humbly and to urge all others to do so. Our aim is to glorify God by exalting Christ in our lives and in our teaching. Truly, to be a free New Testament Christian, without being encumbered by any human name or creed, is a glorious privilege.