

Worship With Us

You're invited to worship God!

Bible study is on Sunday at 9:30 AM. Bring your Bible, seeking heart and questions! Our Bible studies are geared to learn about God's word and love in a "judgment free zone" for everyone to be comfortable to seek God's answers to all our questions. We have classes for adults, teenagers and children.

Worship is on Sunday at 11:20 AM. You're invited to partipate in singing and praying to God with other Christians, listen to a Bible lesson to motivate our lives to love and follow Jesus Christ. You can feel comfortable to simply watch and listen during our worship service.   

We are simply Christians. We are not perfect people! We are saved sinners. Because we are saved by God’s love and grace, we share the common goal to love and glorify God and Jesus Christ in our worship. Our church is a family of believers who come from diverse backgrounds. We have a wide range of age groups, education levels, economic situations and ethnicities. We share our common unity with one another around our shared faith and love in Jesus Christ.

We love God and we love you!


Christians at the Upstate church


Link to What To Expect When You Visit

Link to Directions