

Everyday Holiness

Jesus spoke several parables to His disciples about the nature and growth of the kingdom. One of these was the parable of the leaven.   Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened” (Matthew 13:33). This parable shows how the kingdom’s growth will be pervasive though not always obvious, much the way leaven permeates dough until all of it is leavened.

One of the things this parable brings to mind is that the influence of the gospel can be spread in what are perceived by many as small and seemingly insignificant things. It is easy to lose sight that much of what we do together in the assemblies of the church are designed to not only worship and glorify God, but to edify us and equip us to go and live godly lives (Ephesians 4:11-16). It is outside the assemblies where we spend the majority of our time. Outside the assembly we must be diligent in putting our faith into practice.

Thus it is in the small things we do each and every day where we can have a great deal of influence. We awake to each new day and spend time with our family, spouses, and children having breakfast and getting ready for work or school. We interact with others around town, at work, and in other places as we go through the day. These are the places where we become salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). Here in  these acts of everyday holiness we demonstrate whether or not we “have been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13).

When we live consistently according to our profession, day in and day out, the gospel can have its leavening influence in the lives of those who cross our paths. If we remain steadfast and patient our labor will produce a great harvest (Isaiah 55:10-11). Let us not neglect to walk worthy every day keeping in mind that the seemingly small and mundane tasks of life are great opportunities to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

 - via Knollwood Reminder, 12/26/14 (slightly edited)